Client login From 24 June 2024, the new name for Across Health is Precision AQ!…. Read more

MCQ – Dos and don'ts


16 June 2022 : Blog issue N°34

The MCQ (or MultiChannel eQuivalent) is a standard unit of engagement, developed by Across Health as a common measure that enables you to compare the relative impact of different channels. Previously, we introduced the MCQ concept and its important role within our Navigator365™ customer engagement insights research. In this follow-up post, we will offer a quick summary of MCQ-related dos and don’ts, to help ensure you get the most out of this useful measure…



…use MCQs to guide you towards which channels are being perceived as most impactful by your target audience and have a high reach. It’s best to think of MCQs as directional, in that they should nudge you in the right direction. Use these insights to optimize your channel mix by selecting channels that have a perceived high impact in your selected market and therapeutic area, but also to learn which channels might be worth de-prioritising for now.

…use MCQs as a selection parameter to make choices between similar channel types, to maximize the expected impact in your campaign. But keep in mind that “frequency, reach, costs, effort, HCP channel affinity, product life cycle (PLC) stage…” etc, are also relevant and important parameters.
…use MCQs to quantify your campaign amplification by adding digital, checking if the campaign is both robust enough to achieve the share-of-voice objectives as well as realistic enough to be executed. Be sure to only consider actual interactions (for example, rep-triggered email open rates) in your estimates, not all the potential interactions (for example, number of rep-triggered emails sent). 



…interpret MCQs as absolute values. A rep call of 1 MCQ cannot simply be replaced by two campaign emails with a value of 0.5 MCQ each. MCQ scores are relative and give you a good insight for perceived channel impact compared to other channels (as mentioned earlier, you should think of them as directional). Looking at it over time, MCQ values give you a good insight into the changing perception of channel impact as well.  

…make this a purely theoretical exercise of maximizing MCQs. It is always important not to confuse measures with targets. The goal of omnichannel engagement is not to maximize MCQs, but to achieve the right amount of touchpoints and MCQs per HCP. Build a campaign with a channel mix that will help you achieve your business objectives first, where digital amplifies and/or lays the groundwork for face-to-face engagement with your customers. Aim for a well-balanced campaign offering meaningful omnichannel interactions to customers – and ensure you can execute the campaign, taking into account your company’s level of digital maturity (in terms of organization and technology). 

…be tempted to focus on one or two channels in your campaign just because they have a good impact score. Yes, some channels will be beneficial to include, but omnichannel is all about defining a well-balanced channel mix. The MCQ value should not be your primary decision-making parameter – and it is not meant to be. Think of MCQ as a useful predictive impact parameter, to work alongside dimensions like brand objectives, PLC stage and digital maturity, as well as a specific channel’s frequency, reach, costs and effort.


If you’d like to know more about how MCQs – and the Across Health Navigator365™ offering – can deliver an unparalleled head start for your next customer engagement plan, then please get in touch!

This post is part of a limited blog series which aims to take a closer look at the MCQ, a fundamental building block of our Navigator365™ customer engagement insights research. A previous post introduced the MCQ concept, while a subsequent post will look at the importance of MCQ in the planning stage of your omnichannel campaigns.




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Across Health is evolving...

From 24 June 2024, the new name for Across Health is Precision AQ! This change is happening in-line with the rebranding being undertaken by the entire Precision Value & Health team (of which we have been a part since February 2021).

Having joined forces with over 1,200 life-science experts, advisors and creatives across 100+ diverse fields, we will continue to partner with our clients to deliver evidence-based omnichannel engagement strategies while empowering access to life-changing medicines for all.

While we transition across to our new website, click here to see how we are already focusing on HCP engagement in the digital age, fuelled by powerful insights from our Navigator365TM research.

To find out more about our wider global services and unified mission, read our publication here.
